Duhok [دهوك] | Information

About Duhok

Welcome to Duhok, Kurdistan Region

Kurdistan is a region that stretches across a Northern Iraq, Northeast Syria, Western Iran, and Southeast Turkey. Duhok is located in the Kurdistan Autonomous Region of Northern Iraq.

Essential Data

  • Population: 5.123 million
  • Elevation: 3,607 meters (Choman District, Erbil)
  • Officially recognized in 1969
  • Home of the American University of Kurdistan


Duhok was officially recognized in 1969, however we know there was civilization long before that when ancient ruins were found from 681 BCE. The region has been continuously inhabited for thousands of years. Dohuk was an important city in the Assyrian empire and is currently known as the city of the martyrs because of the role of the youth and peshmergas (Kurdish army) during the ISIS war.

Gainesville and Duhok became sister cities in 2006.

Sister Cities

Gainesville, FL, USA

Places and Spaces

Some notable places include the Charsteen Cave, the town of Amedi, Ashawa spring water/stream, Azadi park in Duhok city, the Bazaar, Duhoka Dam Lake, Saddam Hussein’s prison and castle (now ruins), the Duhok Dam, the Khabur River that goes through the town/city of Zakho, Duhok River (a small river going through Duhok city), and the Great Zab River that goes through the towns of Amedi, Deraluk, and Sheladiz.

The highest point of elevations are Mount Gara and Mount Mateen. Some other places of note are Silave in Amediye, and the villages and mountains in the Berwari region.

Culture & Events

Duhok’s culture is unique, featuring many different tribes such as the Kurds (the vast majority), Assyrians, Chaldeans, Yazidis, Arabs and Armenians. People in Duhok wear many kinds of clothing. Traditionally, women wear a dress with a jacket, while the men don a shirt and baggy pants. Most citizens of Duhok speak the Kurmanji and/or Behdini varieties of Kurdish, as well as Arabic. Rojbash is hello in Kurmanji) Kurdish.

The food features typical middle eastern fare alongside some more specifically Kurdish foods such as Dolma, Rice with Soup, Kebabs, Biryani, Kotlk, and Sar o Pek. Some popular dishes include:

Animals & Wildlife

A large variety of animals populate Kurdistan, from Indian crested porcupines to wild boar. Some other animals include the Bactrian camel, Fallow deer, Roe deer, Goitered gazelle, European hare, and Quail. The symbolic animal of Kurdistan is the rocky mountain goat.

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