Mejdlaya & Gainesville

Since 2015

Mejdlaya and Gainesville have been linked since 03/06/2015 when the mayors signed an agreement approving the two cities as sister cities.

Exchanges and Delegations

Unlike any of Gainesville’s sister cities, no formal delegations have yet occurred between Mejdlaya and Gainesville. As a nascent relationship, we hope to prepare official visits in the near future. Perhaps you could be part of this trip!


Art projects

Videos and Websites about the things we learn about Mejdlaya…

Cultural exchanges

P.K. Yonge, DRS virtual exchange with drone photographer Paul Sayegh and Gainesville representative Sayed Moukhtara


We have no Infrastructure project yet but we are hoping to get one soon!…


I visited Lebanon in 2019, with the intent to visit Mejdlaya. Unfortunately, we were unable to connect, and my brother fell ill during my week there. I do hope to visit Mejdlaya on my next trip to Lebanon!

Terrence Ho

None yet, add your own!


Current Projects

  • The website you see here was created by a group of eight students to educate citizens of Gainesville, FL and members of the P.K. Yonge community about Mejdlaya. We as students are gathering information.
  • The same eight students created a video series in the style of Geography Now! about Mejdlaya.
  • Another group of seven students designed an installation artwork to represent the friendship between Mejdlaya and Gainesville.


To visit Mejdlaya from Gainesville, you have to get through the airport in Beirut, and then you can take a bus or taxi or even an Uber all the way to Mejdlaya.

Fun Fact!: Lebanon actually has only one airport, and the rest of them are Military Airports. (Nahr al Bared, Riyaq, Hamat)